Our Spring Break this year consisted of a "stay-cation" :) We had plenty to do around town and one of dear friends invited us to "Arts On Fire" in Shreveport. Melana and her kiddos met us there and Abby was thrilled to get to make some "art." I tried to tell her what the studio was about but it wasn't until we got there that she realized what she was going to do. She is always wanting to paint so I knew that she would have a great time plus she adores Melana's kids so it was a win-win. :) Thanks for inviting us! We had a blast and Abby can't wait to go back!
Abby, Aidan and Melana getting to work...
Melana and Adalyn painting a picture frame for daddy.
Artists at work!
Abby chose an alligator to paint! :)
Aidan chose a tank!
Little Miss Adley enjoying herself!
My little man, Seth, wondering when it will be time to go!
Abby's finished product. They will glaze and fire it up at the studio then we get to take it home in about a week. Oh and yes, she had to have "pink fingernails!"
Abby and Aidan...I love his look!