Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kids say the darnest things...

I posted this on our playgroup's website and I just have to post it here too!

Our question of the day was:

Tell a funny story about yourself/child that will make everyone laugh. We all need laughter in our lives! :)

One time while Abby and I were out shopping at the mall I had to go to the restroom. We both went into the restroom stall and a lady went into the one next to us. The next thing I knew the lady had bad gas and must of had a stomach bug. Abby yelled, "that's a lot of toots Mommy!" then she proceeded with, "ewwww, what's that smell!" LOL, I about died but had to hold in my laughter. I know the lady next door heard her and probably everyone else who was in there! We washed up and quickly got out of there. I busted out laughing as soon as I opened the door. Kids do say the darnest things! :)


  1. Hilarious!!!! I feel sorry for that poor lady:)

  2. Yep, I will never forget that!!! that was last month and I still laugh thinking about it!
