Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What a fish story!

Well, as some of you know, back in Texas we had a tank full of fish. Unfortunately, with our move, we couldn't possibly keep them. After trying to give them away (ugh, Leann & Carrie) we decided to give them back to Polly's Pet Shop.

Well now that we are in our new home we decided to set up the tank again and get some new fish. Last week, we went out to Petsmart. They had a large selection of fish and we decided on 6 new ones.

We brought them home and went through all the set up like we've done in the past. Little did we know that within an hour two had already bit the dust! What??? Yep, they were goners!

By morning three more had passed onto fish heaven!

We couldn't believe it! This hadn't happend to us before. One lone survivor was left.

I took the fish back (while Abby was at "school") and was offered a full refund. I picked some other fish and prayed for the best.

Abby noticed her fish were missing and that these were new ones. She is very observant about things and I told her they were "sick" and I had to take them back to the store.

Later that night, during her nightly prayers, Abby said an extra prayer for her fish. I think it worked..they are still alive!!!

The "original" six...gotta look hard but they are there!

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