Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dixie Carnival

The Dixie Carnival!!! Oh how much fun we had that morning! Of course this was back in April I believe so the weather was tolerable and a bit brisk. This was also a time where Abby rode many of the rides by herself...such a big girl! These photos show how excited she was particularly on the "big slide!" My how I remember how much fun I had as a little girl... just have to have cotton candy plus a funnel cake *which I forgot to include in this post!

Oh and our sweet Seth...he did soooo well and was in such a happy mood! He was taking in all the sights and sounds!

Abby rode these cool cars a few times...reminded me of my old Red Mustang from high school. :)

Oh and lets not forget the "Dumbo" ride, as she called it! She absolutely LOVED it and rode it several times. Here she is giving us a "wave" of approval!

Well, and you know, Daddy had to get in on the fun too!

She did a little "fishing" too...thought that was an expensive inflatable flower she got! $5 for a game...good grief!

I thought these swings were awesome! I wish they would of had something like this when I was growing up. Abby seemed to really enjoy it! It was just the right speed.

And we ended our fun day with a few rides on the mini-coaster! It was so much fun that Abby even had her hands up in the air while we rode! Crazy girl!

And one last ride on the merry-go-round!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Eeeekkkk...has it really been this long?

Okay, okay...I'm a total slacker. But seriously, has it really been 2 months since I posted on here. WOW! I can honestly say though that my kids keep me sooooo busy during the day and night that most nights (if not ALL) I just want to crash myself after getting them to sleep. But here it is 1:21am and I'm still up! It's a miracle...not sure why I can't sleep but why not update this blog! So bear with me as I try to figure what to put up first...backtrack or just start with what I've got now. I think I will backtrack since sooooo much has gone on in these past two months and it's worth documenting!