Meet the Teacher Day
On Tuesday, we had Open House at Abby's preschool. She was very excited about going to school and seeing her friends. Many times prior to Tuesday she has mentioned this.."mom, do I get to see my friends soon?" Walking in the doors was a much better experience this year. She went straight to her "old" room but then I redirected her to the room next door. She was a bit curious to know why she was going into this room. I had to tell her that this was her "new" classroom. She scoped out the room first, one other little boy was playing, and went about her business. She went to play in her playkitchen and started pulling out all sorts of playfood. She was having a great time! She even came over to tell me she wanted to call Daddy and let him know that she was already at school! She found a playphone and started "talking" to him. It was very sweet. She told me she liked this room because it had "big kid toys!"
I am so thankful that Abby has enjoyed going to preschool. She was very comfortable in her new room. She has definitely matured in the first year and we can't wait to see what fun things she will be doing this year!
That was a cute pic of her talking to Dan. She is going to be a talker just like you were in junior high and high school!